30 days of no alcohol

30 Days of No Alcohol: 2nd Update

Her icy green eyes, rare for a Mexican, beckoned me from across the table.

30 days of no alcohol

A hint of sweat formed on her cheeks as she promised me physical pleasure the likes of which can only be experienced in her depths. Would I take her just once? Could I? Knowing myself, I would never be satisfied even if I indulged twice or thrice over the next hour.

But alas, I did not even touch my girlfriend’s margarita last night, alluring as it was.

It is now two weeks into 30 days of no alcohol. As your eyes move down your computer, phone, or microwave, these words combine to form the second update to this post.

For two weeks now, nary a drop of any liquid other than water has passed through my kissable lips. Temptations abound. Abstaining from alcohol only makes me even more cognizant of how immersed in our culture this common poison is. Every event imaginable can be construed as a reason/excuse to imbibe. Birthdays, holidays, weddings, funerals. Anything fun, anything boring. Sadness.

To make it worse, I just came across an article stating that drinking just over a bottle of wine each day is healthier than abstaining. We need that temptation about as much as we need more “doctors” generalizing humans as a whole stating the overused and misleading phrase “studies confirm” to tell us what’s healthy for us as unique individuals.

As I was typing that I did my own study in my head.

Conclusion: Doctor is ass hat.

It would be interesting to see this “evidence” as well as an explanation of how “moderate drinkers” and “non-drinkers” were compared. It’s likely that many or most people who abstain completely make that choice as a result of their doctors’ recommendations. Some non-drinkers have already severely damaged their bodies through years of heavy alcohol abuse, and some have life-shortening conditions which would only be worsened by alcohol consumption. Hopefully, people who read the article think for themselves and don’t use it as a weak excuse to drink more than a bottle of wine a day, fun as it may sound, fun as it is.


Before embarking on this 30 day journey I was hoping for expecting enhanced mental acuity. However, I don’t feel any smarter or motivated. As a matter of fact, I feel a bit lazier, and my baseline level of laziness is already disturbingly high. Of course, the lack of alcohol may have nothing to do with that. Who knows? But we’re halfway through, and as of this writing, the plan is for this bullshit little experiment to end abruptly at the end of 30 days. Perhaps not though.

Or maybe I have become smarter and more productive but I’m blind to it, subconsciously rationalizing my preferred level of alcohol consumption. I truly don’t know, but I will find out before this is over.

To be honest, I’m being purposely melodramatic, and while typing each of the last two updates, I’ve been cursing myself for stating in the original post that I’d make a weekly update.

It’s really not that difficult not to drink even though I am occasionally tempted. As stated in the first update, I’m most looking forward to sucking down an ice-cold glass of that creamy white stuff which squirts from a cow’s teat:



(For the third update, click here.)




3 responses to “30 Days of No Alcohol: 2nd Update”

  1. […] Updates: First Update Second Update […]

  2. […] are the previous four related posts: One Deux Tres […]