Category: Featured

  • The Ideal Life

    The Ideal Life

    I read a lot on the internet. It’s an amazing place that contains the cumulative knowledge of mankind. Lately, the topic of dream lives funded by passive income streams via internet business has been attracting a lot of my attention. I will be adding a “Resources” page to this website soon to include links on…

  • Amazing Trees

    Amazing Trees

    I’ve recently become a bit obsessed with how amazing trees are. From a tiny seed grows a massive organism that feeds itself with water and nutrients from the earth, absorbs the energy of the sun directly, then provides food and shelter for many other organisms, including us. Trees produce approximately 20% of the oxygen on…

  • It Is What It Is: The Outcome-Independent Mindset

    It Is What It Is: The Outcome-Independent Mindset

    It used to annoy me when people would say, “It is what it is,” and the phrase is gaining popularity. It always seemed like a cop-out in a conversation, a way to end it without actually having to think. Now, although I’m still not in love with the phrase, I’m a big fan of what…

  • Reality Is Subjective

    Reality Is Subjective

    Most people have the idea that the world, the universe, is an objective reality. It exists independently of us, independently of perceivers. For example, a tree is a tree. Regardless of whether I perceive the tree or an ant perceives the tree, the tree is the same thing. It has its own objective reality which…

  • Gratitude


    It’s impossible to be happy all the time. Who would want to be? The downs are what make the ups so enjoyable. The downs are what make the ups possible. Obviously we want to maximize the ups in quantity and degree and minimize the downs, but a lot of the time it’s beyond our control,…