Category: Spirituality

  • Foundational Questions about Life and Reality

    This post is a preview of what’s to come on the site over the next few months, and as I cover each topic I’ll link each post to the questions I ask below. I’m going to question some of the most basic, foundational ideas we all think we know. Ideas we’ve been convinced are the…

  • Connecting with Your Soul

    My main spiritual focus over the last several months has been consciously connecting with my Soul. You may think of your Soul as spirit guides, the Holy Spirit, your higher self, or any number of monikers. I think it’s just slightly different conceptions of the same thing, but I like using the term “Soul”. The…

  • A Leaf’s Final Dance

    In the middle of the end of autumn, I lay on my back in the soft blanket of fallen leaves coating the forest floor and looked up at the oaks and the maples, who were mostly undressed. Each time the air whispered its secrets to them and to the birds and to me, dozens of light yellow…

  • Resistance and Connecting the Dots

    Usually we’re unable to connect the dots of our lives until certain events have been over for a while, especially bad events. But I’m sure there are instances in your life that were unpleasant or downright terrible at the time, but in retrospect, you can see that some of the things you love most about your…

  • Living Creatively

    As I’ve been listening to The Power of Now on loop in my car and reading Creativity: Unleashing the Forces Within before bed, I’ve noticed that many of the ideas overlap. I’d like to share one of those ideas with you. This idea has, just in the last few days, brought great joy into my life. The…

  • Two Years

    Two Years

    I was lying in bed last night reading after a long day of work, and it occurred to me that it has been around two years since I started this site. So I opened my computer to check the date of the first post of this site and the date is 11-7-12. Today is the two-year anniversary of…

  • An Expanded View of the Self

    An Expanded View of the Self

    Most of us have highly limited conceptions of ourselves. We don’t realize our true power nor our ability to affect others and the world as a whole. Below are a few ideas to help you realize you’re more than it may seem.   The Physical Self We tend to think of ourselves as ending where our skin meets the air.…

  • Probable Selves and Alternate Realities

    Probable Selves and Alternate Realities

    In The Unknown Reality, Volume I, the third book in the six book series of the main Seth material, Seth discusses alternate realities and probable selves. I’ve only just begun the book but have recently been thinking about my own life in terms of probable selves and considering the idea that there are other Chakis out there…

  • Interesting Near-Death Experiences

    Interesting Near-Death Experiences

    I’ve written about a couple near-death experiences (NDEs) here and here, but I wanted to discuss a few more because: 1. We’re all curious about what happens when we die; 2. Reading about them is comforting and makes it easier to keep everything in perspective, which enables us to be happier in general; 3. They’re entertaining as hell.…

  • The Nature of Personal Reality

    The Nature of Personal Reality

    This post is a review of the most empowering book I’ve ever read: The Nature of Personal Reality: Specific, Practical Techniques for Solving Everyday Problems and Enriching the Life You Know, by Jane Roberts (and Seth). I finished reading it last week and just today finished transcribing the passages I doggy eared while using the best…