Dogs Save Owner from Grizzly Attack

grizzly attack

Story first published on the Alaska Department of Fish & Game website:

Grizzly bears are one of nature’s most ferocious predators, weighing up to 1,500 pounds and able to run up to 30 miles per hour. Although rare, there are several grizzly attacks each year, usually in response to a perceived threat to their cubs or a nearby food supply. When a grizzly feels threatened by a human, it never ends well for the human…except in this unbelievable story from earlier this spring.

Hunter Simpson, a life-long resident of Alaska, was enjoying a normal afternoon late this past spring when he heard movement in the bushes near his cabin. “I heard some rustling and before I could even register what was happening, I see this big grizzly rushing me.” Fortunately for Mr. Simpson, his two dogs were by his side and they teamed up in an unbelievable display of bravery and loyalty to subdue the bear, allowing Mr. Simpson time to take it down with the .45 caliber lever action rifle he always has with him for protection. Mr. Simpson’s wife Audrey was able to snap a photo of the scene just before her husband fired the shot that took the bear down. Due to the large size of the photo you have to scroll down below to view:






































grizzly attack







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