have you died

Have You Died Before?

In Seth Speaks, he says some people who commit suicide or suffer unexpected, traumatic deaths are so shocked by their after-death condition (without a body, life as they knew it over) that they can’t come to terms with what happened and can’t move on to the higher realms where they would have gone if they were content at the time of death.

They’re taken back to an earlier point in their lives and are allowed to live it out again, differently, until they’re better able to handle the reality of what happened. At this point their helpers or guides move them along to where they’re headed without incident.

This made me wonder, with fear, if I’ve died before and this life is not as “real”, in a sense, as it was before I suffered my death.

As with most people, I’ve come reasonably close to death, whether it was just missing a bad car accident, surviving a bad lightning storm in a boat, or blacking out and waking up not knowing how I got where I was when I awoke. I wondered if perhaps I had died suddenly but was unable to handle the situation, so was allowed to live my life in a sort of parallel world different from the one in which I had previously lived. That I had died a real death and at that moment my worlds branched off into two (or more) worlds: one in which I was dead and another in which I persisted, the latter being the one in which I’m focused as I type this.

When I wondered this, I had a moment where I half expected everything to blur and to be told that now it’s time, my recent life has been an illusion created to help me deal with the reality of my death a few years back. Fortunately, everything stayed in focus and things are the same as they ever were.

So as you read this, think back to times where you narrowly escaped death. Have you died? How many times? Is the world in which you’re currently focused, reading this post, just a parallel world that branched off from your previous one in which you actually died? Is it possible that every time you die before you’re content with life, your worlds simply branch off and you continue to live until you’re ready to die?







12 responses to “Have You Died Before?”

  1. […] From college graduation in June 2006 until October 2006 I played poker online and at the nearby casinos for money, and got pretty decent at it. I ended up doing the sensible thing and getting a “real” job in October 2006, but I wonder if there’s a pro poker player Chaki out there. If so, I’m sure his life is interesting. I wish him the best. That is, if he’s alive. Same goes for all my other selves. They could be dead. […]

  2. Nandi Avatar

    I know this is true. My “guide” is called a “Sponsor”. I know this is true because you explained it perfectly. I’ve been figuring this out for the past 9 months I think. This is so strange and lonely until I start believing I’m in the “real” world and then there are friends and family. I’m told that there are 12 steps to a sort of enlightenment. I keep trying to believe that this is “real” life but over and over again everything and everyone around me keeps proving that there is something strange going on. People slip up and say things that prove it, songs tell me, and movies show me exactly what is happening. I swear I’m not crazy, I’ve always been dramatic and kind of eccentric I guess but there is so much that is strange and different than I know life to be. I can’t seem to remember which crazy moment in life was the one that changed everything but I can think of several that make sense. Maybe each time WAS a different death. I’m so confused. It’s scary sometimes but when I get “on board” and “play along” then everyone is so kind and encouraging. I wish someone would just tell me the truth is plain English so that I could deal with this better instead of all of the abstract spiritual babble. I also think that you may not be a “real” OTHER person who wrote this, my mind may have created this post, this site, etc. as a coping mechanism. I don’t know. I’m very tired though. It’s all so exhausting. I know I’m not crazy and I know that something is going on. I just really wish that someone would just simply tell me what happened to me, just sit me down and tell me the truth.

    1. Chaki Kobayashi Avatar

      Ok Nandi, here’s the truth: if what you think is happening is what’s “actually” happening, it doesn’t matter at all. Maybe stop trying to understand, stop trying to seek what you think of as the truth, because it’s impossible to find or understand as long as you’re in your human shell, and from what I can tell by reading your few words here, your frustration at not knowing the truth is detracting from your experience, making it less pleasurable.

      Just try to enjoy the ride, because really, that’s all it is. There’s a lot of fun stuff to do in this place, lots of cool people to meet 🙂

    2. Mr Lee Paice Avatar
      Mr Lee Paice

      The book
      The celestine phrofecy is directly related….
      The 9 insights to life….it’s a trippy read but makes good sense.

  3. andre kampf Avatar

    it does make sense

  4. Cbleez Avatar

    I died once from not breathing and I had a whole vision of an Aztec woman holding up a heart and woke up to my mom yelling and giving me cpr. I stood up, frightened, and I kept saying I can’t believe that just happened. And went to lay down. It was a crazy experiences I still wonder why I saw that Aztec woman.

  5. sabrina Avatar

    I could have written those posts myself. in fact I think I well may have.

  6. Kimberly Avatar

    I thought I was the only one,not having someone to talk to is the clary part I don’t want to seems like I’m crazy. One thing though I’m tired,very,very tired. I keep on making the same mistakes as in ghetto past life,if this isn’t he’ll in my own body I don’t know how else to put it.😩😩😩😩

    1. Chaki Kobayashi Avatar

      Figure it out Kim! No one else can.

  7. Pumpkinannie Avatar

    I think this has happened to me. A little over six months ago I woke up to a feeling of deja vu. Since then, every day I get the strange feeling like I’ve already lived it. I meet people for the first time, it feels like the second time. it’s like my “in the moment” has become a memory. My fear is that this is some kind of purgatory or punishment for past sins. I’ve been trying to “be better” since I’ve had this feeling, by making choices that are different from what I would normally do. This hasn’t helped, I still get the feeling of deja vu. How do you stop wondering when the end will be here? I guess because I’ve only had this feeling for the last six months, I assume that it’s coming, right around the corner. I’m obsessed with whether I’m going to hell, if there is a hell. I feel guilty because my idea of heaven is sort of terrifying. I don’t want to become a part of something greater. I just want to be myself. I guess that’s the root of my selfishness. I just want to live a normal life. I don’t want to die.

    1. Chris Avatar

      Do you still feel like this? This has been happening to me for a while. It sounds so weird to say – but I feel like something happened to me in the past. Now I think of things, and then within a day or two, I experience them. Like, I’ll think of a person from my past, and then I bump into them within a few days. Am I trying to make peace in my mind? And what you say about the end – I feel like a spend every day trying to come to grips with my inevitable end. Preparing for it. Wondering about it. Wondering if the trip I am taking next week will be the end of me. Part of me lives in perpetual waiting. Almost praying that it just ends so I can see it coming and be ready for it. The other part of me feels like it should live carefree – almost carelessly – since it’s going to happen anyway, and this alerted state of mind is ready for it. It’s exhausting. And, I also have this feeling that I need to do something to leave my mark here on this earth. That in a very short period of time, I’ll be gone, and I’ll have left nothing to show for it. I feel like I spent part of my life preparing for something big. Real big. The final exam. The big test. I feel like I’m prepared and ready to write it. When does it come?

      1. Chaki Kobayashi Avatar

        I think you should listen to the “other part” of you that says not to worry about it. It’s pointless. We all will die, and the idea that we need to make our mark on the world springs from the limited, obnoxious ego self. Go off and do good in the world, help others, enjoy yourself, and try not to worry about anything, all while working to make your life experience as fulfilling as possible. In so doing, you will live on far past your physical death, like a pebble tossed into the lake of time. Your ripples will spread outward for a while, becoming smaller and smaller, but you, the pebble, will always be part of the lake, of human history, even as you sit still on the bottom with the rest of the pebbles long forgotten.

        Yes, I still occasionally have the thought that I’ve died many times, that this life is in many ways a simulation. But while I think often of death, I don’t obsess over it, because that would be a terrible waste of life.