life on earth

Life on Earth

life on earth

Imagine for a second you’re a spirit standing in line (so to speak). You recently died in your most recent physical incarnation, took care of the business you had left to take care of in that physical reality, such as comforting the ones you loved in that life by communicating with them in their dreams and subconsciously, whenever they thought of you, as well as working with your spirit guides once again to realize fully that the incarnation was but a dream of sorts, and to reacquaint yourself with your non-physical environment.

As such, you’re ready for another life on Earth instead of another life on the distant planet Njirbeqi (2.153 billion light years away from Earth, for those of you who are unaware) for the 549th time. And for those who are unaware, Earth is the planet you currently live on. It is the planet from which I am typing this post.

With regard to natural beauty, ease of life, and physical pleasure, life on Earth pales in comparison to other planets in this particular physical universe, and especially in comparison to other physical and non-physical realities of which our human minds are incapable of conceiving. It is a difficult place to succeed, especially because the vast majority of its inhabitants agree to enter completely blind to the wider reality from which they agreed to incarnate here. Most people never even figure out the original purpose of their incarnation, in spite of the concerted efforts of their spiritual guides who work tirelessly to get through to them via dreams and intuition. It can be a very frustrating incarnation, and at worst, a disastrous one filled with grief and despair and only shallow, fleeting moments of happiness.

Still, Earth is a highly sought-after planet because there’s so much opportunity for growth and expanded consciousness. When we occasionally not only discover our original intention of incarnation, but pursue it and succeed at it, and many of us do, it is something worthy of endless praise. And when we do succeed at our purpose, there is great potential for truly helping not only other Earth-incarnated spirits, but also the entire planet and physical reality. Consider for a moment the rich emotions, the sensational pleasures, and the technological delights given to us by such great artists as Beethoven, Van Gogh, Tesla, and Steve Jobs, just to name the first few who came to mind. These contributions were provided not only to individuals, but to the entirety of humankind. To Earth.

Consider for a second the potential you have within you to make a contribution to humankind. We all have this potential. However, it can be difficult to realize our potential, especially for those of us born into poverty or with significant physical or mental limitations, or other such undesirable conditions. Also consider that these shortcomings are not random, that we knew what they would be before we incarnated, that we set them up for ourselves not in the hope that we would suffer, but in the hope that we would overcome them. When we think in this way of our limitations, and we all have them to varying degrees, it’s freeing.

Think of what you’ve learned in your life so far. The times you’ve learned the most about yourself and about life have most likely been the most difficult times. And on Earth, difficult times can be abundant. It is by overcoming these trials that we grow not only as humans, but as consciousnesses. That growth stays with us for all of eternity, and as such, the line for an Earth incarnation is a long one. Bring a lunch.

So, you’re standing (or floating 😉 ) in your non-physical line and you are told that a baby was just conceived in the USA in a poverty-stricken town in rural Mississippi. While you don’t yet know the father, you are very close with the mother and have had several incarnations with her spirit in different realities. Once you were his wife, once you were her best friend, and another time you were brothers. You want to experience another relationship with her spirit in circumstances you’ve never encountered. As an added bonus, one of your most kindred spirits lives in the next town over and those who have agreed to be your spiritual guides through your upcoming Earth incarnation have agreed to do all they can (in the form of coincidences they’re able to conjure) to bring the two of you together.

Have you ever met someone you’ve felt like you’ve known forever? Odds are your feeling is accurate in a quite literal sense.

Although it will be a difficult life based on the environmental circumstances, you see great potential for spiritual growth and the opportunity to bond once again, in a physical sense, with two kindred spirits. It’s a no-brainer for you even though you realize you’re likely in for a lot of despair. But as you’re in line, you’re consciously focused in the wider reality with the cumulative knowledge of the thousands, millions, billions, or trillions of physical lives you’ve lived. Good, bad, and evil as we humans understand them are not conceptions you have as your spirit self. Although you fully understand the ideas, you’re far above them. Although your life may very well seem bad to you once you incarnate, you realize it will be temporary, a veritable blink of an eye in your non-physical terms, and it will be worth the experience.

Based on your close relationships with the two spirits, you’re given priority for this particular incarnation, bypassing the line, and you enter the fetus at an early stage. (If you’re wondering, those who govern the incarnation process and who give you the priority in this particular case are consciousnesses far more evolved than yourself who could be described as gods in our human terms.) As the fetus develops physically and nears birth, you become progressively blinder to where you just came from until at the moment of birth, you are a helpless newborn just starting the journey you intended, completely blind to the wider reality.

There is no proof for the above conception of life on Earth because this world was set up that way. There are not just physical laws governing our physical existence, but also non-physical laws governing our non-physical existence, one of which is that, while incarnated on Earth, we are either completely or mostly blind to the wider reality and our past relationships with other spirits. This nonphysical law promotes spiritual growth just like the physical laws governing photosynthesis and protein synthesis promote physical growth. And when the incarnations end at different ages, often decided upon by your higher self and spiritual guides based on circumstances we can’t currently understand as humans, all will be revealed to us. We can rejoin those spirits to whom we have grown close through eternity and happily discuss the different relationships we’ve had with each other whenever we wish, and at an instant.

Now while most of us are blind to the wider reality, there are helpers who incarnate without blinders simply to help others succeed in their incarnations. They are among us. Perhaps you can think of a few with whom you’ve briefly come into contact. They are probably the most loving people you’ve met, never judging, and almost always in a joyful state. Odds are they have helped you in an ingeniously indirect yet significant way, a way that would typically be interpreted as a coincidence and not the intention of the helper. And some of these helpers are blind to the wider reality as it was their desire, but being possessed of very evolved consciousnesses, in any incarnation they take on, they are unable to be anything but loving and helpful. It is this evolved state of consciousness which every single one of us seeks, and as such, Earth is one of the best places to incarnate.

Through our many trials and tribulations we grow more empathetic as spirits and our consciousnesses evolve. If your life is exceedingly difficult, or if you’ve experienced deep tragedy in your life, just know that you’re evolving just as you wished to evolve before you entered this world. Just like everything else in physical reality, your pain is temporary.

I wish you all the best of luck, truly.



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2 responses to “Life on Earth”

  1. […] of the most beautiful truths about life on Earth is that we always have the freedom to completely change our lives in this moment, regardless of […]

  2. […] Some things that help me not worry are: 1. To realize that worrying is pointless and it doesn’t solve a single thing; 2. To be grateful for what I do have; 3. To remember why I’m even here in the first place – this life is but a dream. […]