thoughts about life

Some Thoughts on Life

thoughts about life

These are some thoughts on life that make me happy. Maybe they’ll do the same for you.

We’re all doing the best we can with the knowledge we have. Sometimes we know more than others, but they don’t know we do. Sometimes others know more than we do, but we don’t know it. And sometimes we think we know more than others but actually don’t. This is the source of a lot of confusion, anger, and resentment. Life can be really tough at times, but every one of us, every person we know and meet, is doing the best he can to navigate this life.

We didn’t come here to be sad or to be in pain. We came here to grow and to be happy. To learn and experience. No matter where we are in life, we’ve done a lot of awesome things and have learned a lot. That stays with us forever. When we’re feeling down, we need only remember all we’ve learned. We’re much more knowledgable and experienced right this second than we’ve ever been. That’s always something to be proud of.

Any limitations we have in life, real and perceived, we set up for ourselves not in the hope that we would suffer, but in the hope that we would overcome them.

We are perfect just as we are. Of course we can always do more and keep working towards our dreams, but we, as people, are just how we’re supposed to be, and no other person in existence is the same.

People don’t care about our lives as much as we tend to believe. When we worry about what others think of us, they are actually worrying about themselves. They don’t have the time or energy to worry about what we’re doing. When we realize this, it’s freeing. We are completely free to be ourselves, exactly as we are, always.

Everything around us is amazing. Even in the simplest things is extreme complexity: the growth of a plant, the flight of a dragonfly, the operation of a single cell. At the same time, the entirety of the universe, the truth about everything, is very simple. It’s all just motion. Everything is always in motion, and we’re all moving together. We are a small but significant part of a huge universe, and everything in it is dancing always.

We know what we need to do more than anyone else does. No one else has experienced what we’ve experienced. No one else knows what we know. We need to trust ourselves and ignore those who claim to know what’s best for us. We can seek advice, but in the end, our lives are our own responsibilities in every way, and no one can live them better than we can.

Good times are coming. So are bad times. Good and bad are simple human conceptions. They aren’t as real as they seem. Everything is just an experience. Let’s welcome it all and rejoice in it.

Earth is our playground.

A deep, burning desire is all that’s required to achieve our deepest dreams. Some say it requires action, but when the desire is strong enough, inaction is impossible. We have only to want it badly enough, and when we do, there is no other possibility than for us to have it.




