Category: Happiness

  • Does Everything Happen for a Reason?

    Does Everything Happen for a Reason?

    It used to annoy me when something bad would happen and someone would say, “Well, everything happens for a reason!” I would say that’s bullshit, everything is random, there is no reason for anything. And I would think the person who said it was not very intelligent. If everything happens for a reason, why do…

  • In the Blink of an Eye…

    In the Blink of an Eye…

    In the blink of an eye, everything can change. You’re having the time of your life when all of a sudden you get that life-changing phone call. Someone close to you has died, and things will never be the same. You’re driving along listening to your favorite music, feeling the warmth of the sun on…

  • Grow Down

    Grow Down

    How many times were you told to grow up when you were a kid? Unfortunately, after a while, we listened to our parents and teachers and other adults. We grew up, and life was never the same. When you watch a normal young child you’ll notice he’s always smiling, always playing. Pure bliss is his default…

  • The American Dream & Marriage: Question Your Beliefs

    The American Dream & Marriage: Question Your Beliefs

    How many of your beliefs were force fed to you by society, parents, friends, teachers? Probably a whole lot of them, and you might not even realize it. I know I still have many deep-seated beliefs bestowed upon me by society, yet I’ve never questioned them. I’m uncovering new ones all the time, thanks mostly…

  • The Need to Know

    The Need to Know

    Not only will we never know everything, but we won’t even know any more than a single crab on a little pubic hair of the body that is the universe. It sucks, but it is what it is. So often we want to know everything, especially about our lives and the lives of those close to us.…

  • The Moments We Live For

    The Moments We Live For

    Life is a series of moments laid out on a long, undulating film strip, each individual strip intersecting with those of others, sometimes merging, and although some people’s moments are in the same time and place, each perspective is unique. There are highs and lows where the focus is perfect and the details are crystal…

  • It Is What It Is: The Outcome-Independent Mindset

    It Is What It Is: The Outcome-Independent Mindset

    It used to annoy me when people would say, “It is what it is,” and the phrase is gaining popularity. It always seemed like a cop-out in a conversation, a way to end it without actually having to think. Now, although I’m still not in love with the phrase, I’m a big fan of what…

  • Sounds


    I just spent the last two hours in my backyard enjoying the day, enjoying the sights and sounds, the smells and the sensations. For thirty minutes I lay in the grass on my back, eyes closed, listening to everything I could hear. Many species of birds chirped and cawed and sang, and I was able…

  • People and the World

    People and the World

    When I stop to think about the world and its 7 billion people, it blows my mind. As I write this I’m waiting to get my oil changed. The TV in the room is on the news, covering the happenings in the USA. Storms spewing softball-sized hail, murder trials, gunmen holding kids hostage, ideas for…

  • Reality Is Subjective

    Reality Is Subjective

    Most people have the idea that the world, the universe, is an objective reality. It exists independently of us, independently of perceivers. For example, a tree is a tree. Regardless of whether I perceive the tree or an ant perceives the tree, the tree is the same thing. It has its own objective reality which…