Category: Musings

  • You and I: Food for Thought

    You and I: Food for Thought

    It’s 11:11 am on 6-10-14 as I start writing this. I’m at my desk, it’s rainy and cool out, I keep going to the window to check on my customers, my birds who congregate and party all day long at my feeder, and my two old dogs are sound asleep on the floor in my…

  • Life Is a Struggle

    Life Is a Struggle

    What a struggle life is. Bills, relationships, commutes. Erectile disfunction, vaginal dryness, venerial disease. Death. At least death ends the struggles, but even learning to deal with the idea of death is itself a struggle. We’re all just flailing through life trying not to die, trying to be happy, but blind as bats and without the sonar. We…

  • Originality


    “Originality is nothing but judicious imitation.” – Voltaire There is no such thing as originality. We get our ideas from others who got their ideas from others, going back through the generations to the brilliant flash of a moment when we were blessed with self-conscious awareness. Most of the ideas I write about on this site…

  • Have You Died Before?

    Have You Died Before?

    In Seth Speaks, he says some people who commit suicide or suffer unexpected, traumatic deaths are so shocked by their after-death condition (without a body, life as they knew it over) that they can’t come to terms with what happened and can’t move on to the higher realms where they would have gone if they…