My Pyramid House

Sometimes I’ll daydream about what kind of house I’d build if money were no object. My favorite one is as described below, my pyramid house.

It’s a large pyramid, each of the four sides constructed of a special, high-tech glass. With a remote control, you can change the color and tint from completely opaque to completely transparent. So for example on a clear night, as you’re lying in bed, you can grab your remote control and change the glass so that it’s completely transparent, to the point that you can’t even see it. All you see is the stars and the moon. And on a bright, sunny day, you can make the glass gold and reflective so it’s not too bright.

The house is perched on a hill on a hundred acres in the mountainous woods of the Northeast, overlooking the Connecticut River, with no neighbors for miles. Complete solitude, complete privacy. Your property is enclosed by a tall, impassible stone wall, and on the outside of the wall is a moat, fifty feet wide, twenty feet deep, with all kinds of large gamefish and other wildlife. You enter your property via a remote-controlled drawbridge.

You have a pack of twenty beautiful golden retrievers who have total freedom within the walls. You have a large garden with all of the fruit and veggies you could ever want.

The interior of the house is a single, large room. Each side of the pyramid is fifty yards long. Everything is open, including the toilet, the shower, the large bed. The kitchen is in one corner and there’s a large hibachi grill with a vent over it. There’s a sitting area in the middle with the most comfortable couches and chairs imaginable.

There’s a secret room underneath the main room accessible via a hidden hatch. The room is completely sound proof and ideal for meditation since you can completely deprive all of your senses of any input.

In another corner is a beautiful hot tub and a bar adjacent.

There is a seat you can belt yourself into, and via remote control, raise yourself up to the apex of the pyramid. You can sit outside, at the very top, and see for a hundred miles in every direction. You have divine powers of consciousness at the apex as you’re able to embrace the power of the pyramid.

I estimate this would cost a total of around $66M, so please let’s get some donations coming in. Thank you.



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