Category: Stories from My Life

  • Connecting with Your Soul

    My main spiritual focus over the last several months has been consciously connecting with my Soul. You may think of your Soul as spirit guides, the Holy Spirit, your higher self, or any number of monikers. I think it’s just slightly different conceptions of the same thing, but I like using the term “Soul”. The…

  • Short, Short Story

    Ordinarily I would have felt mild disdain for the woman with a valley where her waistband pinched into her enormous stomach because how could anyone neglect her body to that degree, but instead my eyes filled with tears as I watched her whimper her way out of the vet’s office holding a carrier which contained only a worn blankie. I wanted to give her…

  • A Leaf’s Final Dance

    In the middle of the end of autumn, I lay on my back in the soft blanket of fallen leaves coating the forest floor and looked up at the oaks and the maples, who were mostly undressed. Each time the air whispered its secrets to them and to the birds and to me, dozens of light yellow…

  • Meet Chickadee

    If you follow this website, you know I’m a lover of dogs, especially golden retrievers. My two boys, Buddy and Rigs, passed away earlier this year, and life hasn’t been the same since then, in a bad way. I had intended to wait until 2016 to get a new dog, but the pressure inside me…

  • A Memorial for Buddy

    On 4-18-15, my best furry (or otherwise) friend, Buddy XI, passed away. This is my memorial for him. As with Rigs’ memorial, this is for me so I can read/look back on it years down the road and remember in vivid detail what a beautiful creature he was, inside and out. To help prevent time…

  • Resistance and Connecting the Dots

    Usually we’re unable to connect the dots of our lives until certain events have been over for a while, especially bad events. But I’m sure there are instances in your life that were unpleasant or downright terrible at the time, but in retrospect, you can see that some of the things you love most about your…

  • A Memorial for Rigs

    I’m writing this post mainly for myself, as well as the many other humans who loved my boy, Rigs. He passed away 1-24-15 from a serious heart issue that arose immediately and required us to put him to sleep in order to avoid undue pain. If you’re not a dog person, you probably won’t want…

  • December 2014 Photos & Personal Updates

    This site has taken a back seat to my project as of late, which has resulted in fewer posts being published in any one month since’s inception over two years ago. It makes me a bit sad that I don’t have as much time to write as I did before, but on the bright side,…

  • Living Creatively

    As I’ve been listening to The Power of Now on loop in my car and reading Creativity: Unleashing the Forces Within before bed, I’ve noticed that many of the ideas overlap. I’d like to share one of those ideas with you. This idea has, just in the last few days, brought great joy into my life. The…

  • Two Years

    Two Years

    I was lying in bed last night reading after a long day of work, and it occurred to me that it has been around two years since I started this site. So I opened my computer to check the date of the first post of this site and the date is 11-7-12. Today is the two-year anniversary of…