Connecting with Your Soul

My main spiritual focus over the last several months has been consciously connecting with my Soul. You may think of your Soul as spirit guides, the Holy Spirit, your higher self, or any number of monikers. I think it’s just slightly different conceptions of the same thing, but I like using the term “Soul”.

The best way I currently have to explain my conception of God is in spatial terms. God is at the top, this golden infinite ball of energy, all energy in the universe, all knowledge and experience, pure unconditional love, all that is, source energy, the Creator. God then fragments “down” into Souls, which are just pieces of God that individuate and go out into different realms to have experiences by splitting themselves “down” into many many incarnations, physical and otherwise. We humans are just one of our Soul’s incarnations, and we individuate ourselves throughout our lives, ideally eventually remembering who and what we truly are, which is infinite and Divine beings. We are our Souls, we’ve just forgotten it. So the goal is to connect with our Souls, our true selves, and integrate that state and level of consciousness into human life so that when we die, it’s a seamless transition out of the physical realm back to where we came from. Throughout our lives, we feed all of our experiences back to the Soul, and the Soul feeds them back to God, and God is constantly evolving and learning and growing and expanding through us. But at the top, we are connected to God, and at the highest level of consciousness, we are part of God. God is us, we are composed of God.

This conception deals with the number 3, which is significant. Body, mind, spirit/Soul. Father, Son, Holy Spirit, the holy trinity. If you have a 2-legged stool, it’s worthless. When you add the 3rd, it’s stable. Tesla was obsessed with the numbers 3-6-9. 3 acts. 3 dimensions. And on and on. Here it’s human, Soul, God. I’ve also become obsessed with the number 3. I always have my sound volume on a multiple of 3, for example.

To start connecting with my Soul, I simply intended it. “Dear Soul, I would like very much to form a conscious connection with you so that I may receive guidance and the answers to all of my questions. I invite you into my human life to guide me and help me in all matters.” Every one of our Souls is just waiting there for the time when its human reaches out and consents to receiving help and guidance. At the same time, we are our Soul, foundationally, necessarily, and we are never separated from it. However, life piles on all kinds of garbage, false beliefs, untruths, limiting beliefs, and at some point in our childhood we started to identify more with the garbage pile of beliefs, or our egos, rather than our true nature, or our Soul. I think what is universally appealing about young children is that they operate from Soul consciousness. It’s so beautiful to behold, and everyone can feel the innocence, the playfulness, the divinity. Each one of us has the responsibility to reconnect with our true nature in this life if we are to accomplish what we really set out to do here. If we want to realize our full potential, remembering who and what we are is necessary, even if you think of it in other terms.

If a human doesn’t remember who he really is in this lifetime, then dying will be a real shock. He will experience the instantaneous loss of himself, his ego self, and be quite lost for a while before reintegrating with his Soul. My goal is to achieve Soul consciousness so that death is a seamless transition out of this realm. I aim to embody completely my Soul into my human self so that I am simply an eternal awareness having fun with this physical experience, helping where I can, enjoying myself as much as possible, and living a life close to what my Soul intended without worrying or stressing about anything at all whatsoever.

To be clear, I am nowhere near that point, but am making progress monthly. And for those many/most who never did reconnect with their true nature in their human lifetimes, it doesn’t really matter. There are plenty more opportunities in the eons to come, or in the eons past, since the experience of linear time is itself a grand illusion.

Soon after I began asking my Soul for help, it started arriving in all sorts of trivial matters, like finding a lost golf ball, and a number of other lost items. It also arrived in general, broader life guidance. I ask my Soul many times throughout every day for guidance.

One of the early examples was on the golf course. I swung too hard at a drive, had bad timing, and flared it way right into the fescue. After a few minutes of walking through the tall grass looking in vain for my little golf ball, right as I was about to give up, I thought, “Oh, I’ll ask my Soul for help! Dear Soul, I know you can see everything, I know you know where my ball is right now. Would you please guide me to it so I don’t have to take a double bogey?” Then I cleared my mind with a mantra I like to lean on, “Empty mind, empty mind, empty mind,” and waited in the thoughtless state for something to happen. After a few seconds I felt the urge to turn left, then I walked about 30 feet straight away from where I had been looking, and alas, there was my ball. It wasn’t even in the fescue, just in the rough, and I had a good lie and a good angle to the pin and made an easy par.

That was pretty exciting for me to experience early on in my Soul connection efforts, and since then I have never failed quickly to find a single lost item in probably 30 or so instances of asking my Soul for help. That day on the golf course, walking down the next hole speaking to my Soul in my mind, I thanked it and asked, “Can I ask for help all the time with such trivial things as finding a lost golf ball?” Before I even started asking the question, I got the answer in a packet of information, a fully formed idea, that was essentially, “Nothing is trivial, this is what I’m here for, never feel bad for asking me for help with anything at all, I’m here to help you, it’s what I love to do, I want you to talk to me all the time!” Another packet of information came in with something like, “It’s kind of strange that you speak to me as if I’m separate from you. I am you, you are I, we cannot be anything but connected, so it’s a bit humorous to me that you speak to me as if I’m separate.” (The words I choose to describe all of this are my human words, insufficient, and quite basic and incomplete compared to the “idea packets” just fyi). I replied, “I get that, but if you don’t mind, it’s helpful for me to speak to you as if you’re separate, as if I’m a human receiving guidance from my eternal Soul.” And in my personal experience, at this point on my spiritual path, it’s true – I seem to get better guidance when I speak to my Soul as if it’s somehow a separate consciousness from my human consciousness, as if I’m a relatively dumb human with the blinders on, and my Soul sees all, and can enlighten my human self. In reality, of course, we are one and inseparable, and one day I will fully integrate Soul consciousness so I won’t have to receive guidance, but will just automatically know what to do in any situation. I will operate from the Soul as a human in everything I do and say. Until then, I like starting any question with, “Dear Soul…”

I think the “idea packet” concept is important to expound just a bit. When I ask my Soul for guidance, a lot of the time I’ll get answers but they’re sequential words coming in as if I’m speaking them. Even if it’s good information, it doesn’t feel like it’s coming from Soul, but rather from my own human mind. When I’m able to make a good connection, several back and forth communications happen in an instant, a fraction of a second, and while I have it all in my mind, it takes me a few seconds to break the communication down into words that I can understand and find useful as my human self. Does that make sense? I’ll ask a question, and usually before finishing the words in my mind I’ll receive the information in a packet, then I’ll take a second or two to unwrap it into words, and before I can even ask a clarifying question, another packet comes in, then I have to spend a few seconds breaking it down into language. The idea, independent of language, is primary. With anything you say or write, first there is the idea, uncorrupted by language. Then you have to translate that idea into language, but the articulated idea debases its true essence, to varying degrees depending on how skilled your human self is with language. When you form a good connection with your Soul, the communication is in those ideas that precede language, at least in my experience. I hope that’s helpful.

For the skeptics: if you don’t believe you have a Soul, or don’t believe that conscious communication with it is possible, then that is absolutely true for you. But if you’re reading this many paragraphs into this article on the topic, then I can confidently say that your Soul has guided you here. What do you have to lose? Maybe feel a bit crazy for a few days while you test it out? Give it a try and let me know how it goes.

I constantly throughout each day ask my Soul for guidance, and to be perfectly honest, sometimes I can’t get anything no matter how how hard I try. I think when that happens I’m just too wrapped up in my thoughts, my mind is too busy. I’m improving though. Other times I’ll receive those packets of information and just know that I’m getting the real deal and can go in that direction confidently.

As for asking your Soul for help with big changes, something like winning the lottery or becoming enlightened immediately or instant remission of terminal cancer for example, well, I really don’t know how that works yet. It could be one of two things, or something else entirely.

  1. When you succeed in connecting deeply with your Soul and operating day to day from Soul consciousness, then absolutely anything is possible.


  1. Your Soul will never help you, human, with anything that is not in alignment with your Soul’s intention for this life. So if your Soul didn’t want extreme material wealth, or total enlightenment, or total health, because it wanted to gain the wisdom derived from the opposite experiences, then nothing you do can get you there. You will be blocked.

I hope it’s #1, but I really don’t know. Maybe one day I will. Or maybe it’s either depending on which one you believe, but in my experience so far, it seems to be #2. Keeping my options open though.

When I call upon my Soul for guidance, ideally I’m able to close my eyes and enter a meditative state, put all of my fingertips together, take a deep breath, clear my mind, ask a question, then wait for any information to come in. But if I’m out going about my day, I’ll just ask in my mind while I’m doing whatever I’m doing.

Now I will ask my Soul if there’s anything you need to hear, dear reader, with the understanding that on the Soul level, there is no time, no space, so it knows right now everyone who will ever read these words, and if you’re reading this twenty years from now, for example, my Soul will know and be connected with the Soul of every human who has ever read these words as I typed them in September of 2023.

You, human, are loved and supported more than you will ever understand in your life. Do not worry about anything whatsoever.

Honestly, it’s great wisdom, but I was hoping for something more profound, less general. But hey, it’s what I received.

Before I received that, I also received something along the lines of, “You don’t know what you’re talking about yet, you’re not ready to write about this.”

Which is funny, because it’s a paradox. If it’s true that I’m not ready to write about this, then how can I trust the information received saying I’m not ready to write about it?

I don’t know, whatever, I’ve already written about it since you’re reading it, but take it all with a grain of salt, as with everything else you read or hear. In the end, every aspect of your life is your responsibility, and I wish you the best now and always.

Give it a shot, connecting with your Soul, see what happens, and let me know. My life has certainly been enriched by my recent efforts.

And if you’d like to be a guinea pig and send me an email asking to see if my Soul has any individual guidance for your human, I will do my best to tap in and reply with whatever I receive. Email is chaki at dingtwist dot com.




4 responses to “Connecting with Your Soul”

  1. Peter Mwenda Avatar
    Peter Mwenda

    Nice read. Thanks

    Is there any relationship between your soul and mine, anything that you can get from my soul that is worth sharing?

    Thanks once again.

    1. Chaki Avatar

      Hey Peter, I spent a couple minutes trying to connect in the way I do currently, which is connecting with my Soul, asking it to connect with yours, and if there’s any information that your Soul can provide to mine that can come down to my human self that could be helpful for you. I have never done this with a stranger before so I have no idea if any of the below resonates at all or if it’s completely off point, but I’ll just say what I felt and the images that came into my mind, which were random enough and had so little significance to my own life that maybe they could be something real.

      First, I felt a heaviness in my chest and had some difficulty breathing. Does that have any significance?

      Also had the image of a large squarish glass building, like an office building, clear blue reflective glass. Then I saw a basketball, then the word Napoli popped in (so random).

      Again, truly no idea whether any of this could be meaningful to you in any way or if it is my mind junk. I’m curious to see if it has any relevance at all, and if so, I can go deeper and spend more time on it.

  2. Jeff Avatar

    First of all, thank you for reaching out to me. I’m very tired tonight and I just happened to see your email. I was getting ready to delete it when I saw the name Chaki I only know one Chaki in Connecticut so I read what you had to say. I will come in further after I’ve rented a couple more times I called my higher power. I’ve never been real religious, but I’ve gotten very spiritual over the past 10 years. You’ve got a lot to say and you did a very good job with this as I said, let me read it over a few more times and meditate on it. Hope all is well with you and your brother and your mother.

    1. Chaki Avatar

      Hey Jeff! Already replied via email but I’m glad to hear you’re on a spiritual path. With all the seeming chaos in the world today, I think it’s more necessary than ever, at least in our lifetimes.