We’re All Connected

We're All Connected


As you sit or stand there reading this on your computer or your phone, you’re connected to me. You have a direct line to my mind and my personality. Some of the ideas I write about become part of you and you spread them to others around you, and they spread them to others. Some of those ideas came to me from others, maybe originating with a man of whom there is absolutely zero record who lived hundreds of years ago.

The clothes you wear may have been sewn by a child in Indonesia. The technology you use was invented by thousands of smart people who may or may not be alive. The coffee you drink may have come from beans harvested by a family in rural Costa Rica. Your glasses crafted by a complex machine invented by a very smart man long ago.

All of these inventions and technologies originated with the creative mind, with human consciousness. We are all creative, we are all blessed with human consciousness, which has literally no bounds. We are all capable of imagining the most incredible things, and many of those things are able to be manifested in this physical world with enough desire, ingenuity, and hard work.

You eat an apple, it becomes part of you. It was one of many fruits grown by a fifty year-old tree planted by an old farmer who is long dead. The water someone sprayed onto his lawn evaporated into the sky, became part of a rain cloud, then dropped onto the ground at the base of that tree and soaked into its roots, becoming part of it, becoming part of the apple, and now the apple is part of you. We’re all connected.

Everything seems so separate from us. People seem isolated from each other. However, we’re connected in a very real way. The air you’re breathing may have been exhaled by the people around you. At one time, maybe Elvis breathed in some of the air particles you’re currently breathing. But the most incredible thing of all is:

We’re all made up of stardust.

The atoms that compose your body, my body, everything on Earth and beyond, were once inside a giant star which exploded more magnificently than anything you can imagine.






6 responses to “We’re All Connected”

  1. […] The humming of your refrigerator is the noise caused by the intricately designed machinery that keeps your food and drink cold. Someone sat down one day many years ago to solve the problem of food spoiling, and over the years people improved upon his invention to the point where we are today. These people all had their own life stories, joys and fears, and most of them are long-dead. Yet we rely on the technology they created from their imaginations on a daily basis. In that way we’re connected. […]

  2. […] Walking through the forest I always feel an intense connection with nature, with who I am and my place in the world. When I’m in the woods I’m not Chaki. I’m just a human, another inhabitant of our beautiful planet, walking along the path under the trees, feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin, smelling the different smells, feeling and listening to the breeze, wondering about all the people who have appreciated those woods before me. And the most beautiful thing of all is that the trees, the earth, the snakes and fish and caterpillars and golden retrievers, we’re all made of stardust. […]

  3. […] all of us. We are all aspects of All That Is, the Universe, God, or whatever you want to call it. We are all connected in spite of the appearance to the contrary. We are each a small piece of the entire puzzle. Each of […]

  4. […] Although I steal most of my ideas, perhaps this is the first time you’ve read some of them. I take comfort in that. And now you can steal the ideas here which resonate with you, add your own personal twist, then allow others to steal from you. We are all connected. […]

  5. […] And now, if we weren’t before, now we are connected. […]

  6. […] Everything is fluctuating and changing always, even in a physical sense, and we are more connected to everyone and everything around us than this grand illusion would have us be…. […]