why be spiritual

Why Be Spiritual?

If it’s true that we’re eternal consciousnesses who willingly incarnate here (and on other physical planets in this universe and in other realities and dimensions we as humans can’t even comprehend), and willingly immerse ourselves completely in this reality with thick blinders so that we’re ignorant of the wider reality from which we incarnated, then why be spiritual? In other words, why worry about what’s really out there? Why not just keep the blinders on and not worry about where we came from before birth and where we’re going after death? Didn’t we intend to stay blind to it all when we decided to come here?

Someone close to me asked that question a while back when I started getting into meditation/lucid dreaming/astral projection and talking more and more about what’s out there beyond our physical world. “If we willingly incarnated with the thick blinders, why are you trying to remove them?” I didn’t have a good answer, other than to say that spiritual topics and questions really interested me.

A few weeks back I asked myself the same question as I lay down to go to sleep. On a whim, I grabbed my copy of Seth Speaks from my bed table. Not necessarily looking for an answer, but just wanting to read a few passages before sleep, I synchronistically opened directly to page 52 and the first words I read were:

“To the extent, therefore, that you allow the intuitions and knowledge of the multidimensional self to flow through the conscious self, to that extent not only do you perform your role in the play more effectively, but also you add new energy, insights, and creativity to the entire dimension.

“Now it seems to you, of course, that you are the only conscious part of yourself, for you are identifying with the actor in this particular production. The other portions of your multidimensional personality, in these other reincarnational plays, are also conscious, however. And because you are a multidimensional consciousness, ‘you’ are also conscious in other realities beside these.”

When I was given the answer so clearly and with such perfect timing, I had to smile.

What the passage means is that we are multidimensional beings, where “we” refers to our higher consciousness, or our personality – the entity who fuels the consciousnesses of all of our multidimensional selves. As you read this, you also exist in other dimensions and other realities very different from Earth, and those selves are conscious of themselves in the same way you are conscious of yourself. You are much more than you may think.

Via meditation, lucid dreaming, astral projection, and just exercising your intuition, you can tap into your higher consciousness, which knows much more than you do as a physically-focused human. Your higher consciousness is aware of all of its current and past incarnations and all of the experiences associated with them; therefore, it is much better equipped to make important (and trivial) decisions in your life. I speak of you and your higher consciousness as if they are different entities, but they’re not. You are both the same. But the person reading this is just one of many branches of his higher self, which fully understands the wider reality, so to speak.

In essence, spirituality is becoming aware of and learning about your higher self and the wider reality, as your physically-focused self. So then what is the benefit of spirituality?

As Seth says above, you will perform your role in the play (your current life on Earth) more effectively, i.e. you will have a better, more productive life. You draw energy from this spiritual knowledge and use it to fuel your creative endeavors. We are creators. That is our purpose here: to create and grow and expand our consciousness. By being spiritual, you are better equipping yourself to create to the best of your ability, and in so doing, you benefit not just yourself, but the entire dimension.

That is the benefit of spirituality. By understanding where we came from, where we are going, by connecting with our higher selves and understanding the nature of the wider reality, we are better equipped to live a fulfilling, productive life in these little Earth human segments of ourselves. By doing so, we expand our consciousness more so than we could have otherwise. And those are the only things we take with us when we die: our experiences and our expanded consciousness.

Update: I discuss more on this topic here.



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