Foundational Questions about Life and Reality

This post is a preview of what’s to come on the site over the next few months, and as I cover each topic I’ll link each post to the questions I ask below.

I’m going to question some of the most basic, foundational ideas we all think we know. Ideas we’ve been convinced are the absolute truth from very early on in every one of our childhoods, regardless of what generation we are. Ideas that we think make perfect sense on their face, but upon inspection, start to dissipate into the aether like darkness scatters in the light.

Even asking the questions at all is typically met with scorn, demeaning laughter, or even compassion, real or faked: “Poor bastard. How could someone be so stupid even to ask such questions?”

But there will be some points I’ll bring up, some basic logical questions, that are unanswerable, and that need to be answered if we’re going to continue to believe what we’ve been taught.

If you’re willing to go along for the ride, which I hope will be fun more than anything, then it’s going to take some serious open-mindedness on your part. Are you willing to be more open-minded than ever before? Just for a bit?

Here are the questions:

Do we really live on a random spinning rock hurtling through the infinite vacuum of space? Is the shape of our planet really a globe?

Did we really evolve from single celled organisms over billions of years?

Did dinosaurs actually exist?

Do bacteria and viruses actually spread from person to person to cause disease? Do viruses even actually cause disease? Can they? Is it possible they don’t even exist as described? In other words, is germ theory the truth, or is there an alternative theory that makes more sense, like terrain theory?

Is modern medicine a valid healing modality? Or are there nefarious intentions behind and underneath the entire system?

Were there past human civilizations that were far more advanced than ours? Is it true that this technological age is peak humanity?

Do nuclear weapons actually exist and work as described?

Is democracy actually a real thing as described? Does our vote matter, or is it even counted at all?

Do governments and nations actually go to war for the purported purposes, or is it all a put up? Could all governments actually be in cahoots behind the scenes?

Does anyone or anything actually have power over us? Or is it all a farce using implied consent and fictitious and fraudulent legal ideas?

These are obviously some big topics that will take me some time to dissect, but I aim to discuss them all in the coming months.

Now ask yourself what your life would look like, how it might change, how your view of the world might change if the true answer to each of the above questions is the opposite of what we were taught.

There are layers and layers of deception piled onto us with every one of these topics. There is censorship (it’s basically impossible to use google/youtube search to go down any of these rabbit holes – also why would these topics be censored?). Then there are actors who purport to be so-called conspiracy theorists, but they drag you off the trail of the truth with outlandish claims that are indefensible, thereby damaging the credibility of anyone daring to ask the questions. It’s all just totally wild and crazy.

But it can be a lot of fun with the proper mindset.

It can also be beyond uncomfortable to question your reality on so deep a level because the person you always thought you were starts to disappear before your eyes. The place in which you always thought you existed shifts and morphs before your eyes. Anger at the lies and the layers of deception, and those who perpetrated them, is the most common initial reaction. I’ll start and end by saying there’s no need to be angry, that is if you care to come along for this ride. Anger is low vibration energy and God knows we need to do our best right now to vibrate at as high a frequency as possible and as often as possible if we are to make it through this massive shift in human consciousness in order to begin another Golden Age, whose initial, painful birth stage I believe we are currently suffering through en masse. We all agreed to be here during this time, even if we don’t remember it. We wanted to be here right now. And on the other side of it all is freedom like you never knew existed. True freedom where no one, no thing has even an ounce of power over you. You beautiful, healthy and whole, living, breathing man or woman.

If that sounds good to you, strap in. If this is too much to handle or even consider at all, I understand completely and wish you the best in your personal journey through this life. I’ll write about other things too, but I need to get these off my chest first.



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2 responses to “Foundational Questions about Life and Reality”

  1. randolph f lenczyk Avatar
    randolph f lenczyk

    No problem with any of your ideas! I have a college degreed neighbor who actually believes that vaccinations are useless and furthermore that the federal government has places microchips in the vaccines to be able to track where you are nad what you are doing. This is relatively farsical but he believes it. Probably more educated Americans out there who feel the same way. The biggest problem is that we have been getting pathetic leaders and publicly elected thieves at all levels in this country for decades. Republicans and Democrats included. Reagan was probably the last decent president we’ve had. Americans have lost TRUST in our Federal, state, and local governments. Officials at all levels are using their financial position for their gain and/or the sole gain of their constituents. Democracy is severely floundering in the U.S. Socialism is slowly taking over this country. Little honesty in the halls of government. Could result in a widespread internal revolution down the road. Hopefully not of course. Trump is one of those who loves to see and exist in turmoil. Can’t vote candidates like him into office. He’s bad enough in the private sector and I’m a lifelong moderate Republican.

    Enough of our domestic problems. I’m in on all of your future discussions!

    By the way Gary’s birthday was Sept 29th, the day you sent this out. Ironic to some degree! Wish he were here to give to comments too!

    Go guy!


    1. Chaki Avatar

      RIP Gary! He and I would have had some great conversations about all this stuff.

      I think you’re right about politics; however, I think it goes much deeper than that to the point that every single politician with any power is literally a paid actor, I’m sorry to say even before and including Reagan, who did more to financialize the entire economy than anyone else. Rather, the string pullers behind him did that, but he was the frontman. The modern result being, for example, car dealerships making more money from the interest on car loans than the actual car sales. But again, Reagan was, like the rest, a paid actor (and ironically actually a film actor – why would we want people who lie for a living to lead a nation? How could we ever trust anything a pro actor says publicly when he makes a living pretending to be someone else?). Even the very founding of this country is highly suspect, especially what we’re taught, but I don’t know enough on that topic to comment beyond what I already have. Every politician is completely and utterly controlled, both sides. There is no political solution to any of this. Nor is there nor should there be a violent solution, like a revolution. The only solution I can imagine, and I’ve thought about it a lot, is for a critical mass of humanity to wake up to the lies, at which point they can easily withdraw their attention completely from all media and all publicly approved narratives, and focus instead on the Creation, on their communities, at which point the powers that be simply lose their power and disappear. Once I accepted that the answers to the questions above are the opposite of what we were taught, it became incredibly easy to stop consuming any and all media because it became crystal clear just how fake it wall was. Once a critical mass does the same, which means withdrawing all attention, the institutions lose their power and control just like that. And what’s on the other side of that is another Golden Age of human creativity, innovation, joy, and deep understanding.

      Re: vaccinations, once I cover germ theory vs terrain theory and show that viruses don’t cause disease, and most vaccinations supposedly protect against viruses, then it becomes clear that vaccines serve no benefit. However, I disagree that they’re useless. They serve a purpose, which is to poison us, destroy our bodies, make us ever more dependent on the medical system, but in my opinion the primary intent behind all of them is to separate us from the divinity within each of us by gunking up our vessels and therefore making us easier to control. I’ve heard some of the microchip theories but never felt motivated to delve into them. They immediately struck me as what I briefly alluded to, controlled opposition, or fake actors within the “conspiracy” community spreading indefensible ideas that discredit the entire anti-vaccine movement. I should do a whole post on vaccines as I’ve spent hundreds of hours researching the subject in the last 4 years leading up to my eldest son’s birth.

      Anyway, stay tuned!