seth speaks

Seth Speaks

seth speaksSeth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul is the most fascinating book I’ve ever read. I realize that’s a strong statement, but I mean it.

I can almost guarantee reading this book will make your life better, even if you’re a staunch skeptic of everything paranormal. It will give you a better understanding of the world, the reality in which we’re currently immersed, who you are, where you came from, and what the future holds…if you believe the information given, or at least consider it.

Seth is, like you and me, an eternal consciousness. A personality. He has had a close connection with the author of the book, Jane Roberts (aka Rubert), in past incarnations, and due to that connection, he is able to communicate with her, and with us through her, even though he doesn’t physically exist at this moment and in this dimension in our physical reality. The entire book is narrated by Seth through Jane as a medium while her husband transcribes it. She goes into a meditative trance and lets Seth take over.

Or, if you prefer, it may be more accurate to say that Seth, Jane, and her husband Rob are different aspects of the same entity. But then, this is true of all of us. We are all aspects of All That Is, the Universe, God, or whatever you want to call it. We are all connected in spite of the appearance to the contrary. We are each a small piece of the entire puzzle. Each of us with our infinite individuality and uniqueness is how the universe perceives and explores itself. To think of it in physical terms, we are all – you, me, the trees, the rocks, the sand – composed of the same star dust, just arranged differently.

I realize this may sound a bit crazy, but just try to keep your mind open to the possibility that some, most, or all of what Seth says may be true. Seth is not claiming to be God, or a god, but just a spirit like you and me. As such, he is fallible, so it may be wise not to take everything he says as the gospel. However, as far as I recall, everything he teaches is empowering for the reader. That in itself is reason enough to take the text seriously, at least to give it a shot.

And if you are of the staunch skeptic variety, you may say that Seth is simply a subconscious personality created by Jane’s psyche.

You could be right. However, that may just be a different way of saying the same thing, but in different terms and with different underlying beliefs. What really is the difference between three personalities or consciousnesses being different aspects of the same entity, and one human having multiple personality syndrome or some such other clinically-labeled “ailment”?

In the words of Seth himself, “You should be as flexible mentally, psychologically, and spiritually as possible, open to new ideas, creative, and not overly dependent upon organizations or dogma.”


If you’ve read the scant few book reviews on this site, you know that one of my measures of a book’s value is how many pages are doggie eared at completion (click for the best way to read a book). Have a look at my copy of Seth Speaks:

Seth Speaks


When I read anything, if something resonates deeply with me, whether it’s beautiful fiction, a mind-expanding idea, or just something that applies directly to my recent experience of the world, I feel tingles down my spine and through my body. I had this sensation almost throughout the entire book.

Now for some excerpts. Remember, this information is given to us by someone who isn’t currently immersed in this reality, and as a result, isn’t constrained by the laws or the “blinders”, as I call them, which necessarily constrain us as physically-focused beings. Although Seth may not be infallible with regard to the truth (if there is such a thing), and there are certainly barriers of communication between his reality and ours (as he discusses numerous times), I believe he has a vantage point that can and will be very beneficial for anyone who will just read.


“You may think of your soul or entity – though only briefly and for the sake of this analogy – as some conscious and living, divinely inspired computer who programs its own existence and lifetimes. But this computer is so highly endowed with creativity that each of the various personalities it programs spring into consciousness and song, and in turn create realities that may have been undreamed of by the computer itself.

“Each such personality, however, comes with a built-in idea of the reality in which it will operate, and its mental equipment is highly tailored to meet very specialized environments. It has full freedom, but it must operate within the context of existence to which it has been programmed. Within the personality, however, in the most secret recesses, is the condensed knowledge that resides in the computer as a whole (note: Universal Intelligence). I must emphasize that I am not saying that the soul or entity is a computer, but only asking you to look at the matter in this light in order to make several points clear.”


“The world that you know is the reflection of an inner reality.”


“The familiarity of speech begins to vanish when you realize that you, yourself, when you begin a sentence do not know precisely how you will end it, or even how you form the words. You do not consciously know how you manipulate a staggering pyramid of symbols, picking from them precisely those you need to express a given thought. For that matter, you do not know how you think.

“You do not know how you translate these symbols upon this page into thoughts, and then store them, or make them your own. Since the mechanisms of normal speech are so little known to you on a conscious level, then it is not surprising that you are equally unaware of more complicated tasks that you also perform – such as the constant creating of your physical environment as a method of communication and expression.”

(i.e. we literally create our reality)


“If you believe all men are evil, you simply will not experience the goodness in men. You will be completely closed to it. They in turn will always show you their worst side. You will telepathically see to it that others dislike you, and you will project your dislike upon them.

“Your experience, in other words, follows your expectations. Now the same applies to after-death experience and to the dream experience, and to any out-of-body encounters (note: such as this one). If you are obsessed with the idea of evil, then you will meet evil conditions. If you believe in devils, then you will encounter these. As I mentioned earlier, there is greater freedom when consciousness is not physically directed. Thoughts and emotions are constructed, again, into reality without the physical time lapse. So if you believe you will be met by a demon, you will create your own thought-form of one, not realizing that it is of your own creation.

“Therefore, if you find yourself concentrating upon the evils of physical existence in such a manner, then you are not ready for such explorations. It is, of course, possible under such conditions to meet a thought-form belonging to someone else, but if you do not believe in demons to begin with, you will always recognize the nature of the phenomena and be unharmed.”


“Many of the ideas given in this book can be used most advantageously to solve personal problems. If these concepts are understood, then the individual should realize the freedom he has to operate purposefully within the structure of physical life. Many of you are so used to looking outward – and accepting the physical world as the criterion for reality – that it has not occurred to you to look within. The entire framework of your existence, therefore, is constantly flowing from within outward, and being projected into those physical symbols that you mistake, then, for reality.

“The interior drama, therefore, is always the important one. The “story of your life” is written by you, by each reader of this book. You are the author. There is no reason, therefore, for you to view the drama and feel trapped by it. The power to change your own condition is your own. You have only to exercise it.”


“True spirituality is a thing of joy and of the earth, and has nothing to do with fake adult dignity. It has nothing to do with long words and sorrowful faces. It has to do with the dance of consciousness that is within you, and with the sense of spiritual adventure that is within your hearts.

“That is the meaning of spirituality; and as I have told you before, if I could I would do a merry dance about the room to show you that your vitality is not dependent upon a physical image. It is not dependent upon your youth, it is not dependent upon your body. It rings and sings through the universe, and through your entire personality. It is a sense of joy that makes all creativity possible.

“So do not think you are being spiritual when you are being long-faced, and do not think you are being spiritual when you berate yourself for your sins. The seasons within your system come and go. The sun falls upon your face whether you think you are a sinner or a saint. The vitality of the universe is creativity and joy and love, and that is spirituality. And that is what I shall tell the readers of my book.”



Some of those may seem a bit “out there”, it’s true. In the context of the book as a whole the information comes together beautifully. I highly recommend you read Seth Speaks.

Stay tuned for a series of posts in the future discussing some of the topics Seth covers. Thanks for reading.




3 responses to “Seth Speaks”

  1. […] Seth Speaks, he says some people who commit suicide or suffer unexpected, traumatic deaths are so shocked by […]

  2. […] of six main Seth books. I reviewed the first one, Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, here. While it was itself a fascinating, enlightening book, The Nature of Personal Reality is more […]

  3. […] (This one will blow your mind – the story of a neurosurgeon’s near-death experience.) Seth Speaks Steve Pavlina’s Blog’s Spirituality Category Amazing Near-Death Experience: […]